When one is looking through the different types of formal reports, they will have to distinguish between two categories: informational reports and analytical reports, in addition to various tips which will easily guide a person in selecting and executing a proper report.
Concise explanation:
Informational reports are simply a gathering and presentation of information. Analytical reports have the same objective; however they also recommend courses of action, provide analysis and conclusions.
- Always be advised of the difference between an internal report ( sent to employees or anyone within the company) and an external report ( circulation outside the company).
- Differentiate direct pattern ( conclusions and recommendations that are in the beginning of a report for an audience with a lack of timing) from indirect pattern (information organized in a manner to convince the audience, therefore conclusions and recommendations are in the end of the report).
- Don’t get confused if some reports share the same characteristics as others. For example: progress reports have similar features of the periodic reports, however they provide an analysis, therefore are considered to fit in the analytical reports category.
Different Types of Formal Reports:
Informational Reports:
Periodic Reports are routine reports with accurate data that are normally updated every week, month, or year. Most formal business reports are considered periodic; however one could easily distinguish the four types that reflect this particular aspect: The periodic inspection report, the periodic safety report, the routine management report, and the compliance report.
Periodic inspection report corresponds to the installation of electrical business . For example: After the completion of electrical installation in a home, reports will then be sent to the home owners on a regular basis in an effort to avoid future incidents.
Periodic Safety reports transmit information about the safety procedures in certain industries or firms. For example: in the food industry, whenever provisions of any sort are imported or exported, a report is delivered underlining the effect of these activities.
Routine management reports are repeatedly sent to the managers of certain businesses by their employees in order to keep them updated of their financial progression. Crucial information is also included in these reports to advise key decision makers.
Compliance reports are comprised of multiple procedures that underline the general activities and direction an organization follows. To keep a business running affectively, there are rules and regulations that must be respected towards other competitors as well as the government, therefore an up-to-date report is given on these specific policies. To avoid infractions and major fines, these reports are considered as a warning to entrepreneurs.
Progress reports are also known as periodic reports, and interim progress reports. They are a general analysis describing the progress of a given business in comparison to its original outline. The writer informs the customer about their recent work on the project, any problems they may have encountered, offer solutions if necessary, and finally outline future plans in accordance with the given budget and the time limit.
Trip, Convention, and Conference reports provide extensive details of which members in a particular business organization are sent on trips or conferences to collect findings which are imperative to keep their business functioning correctly. Solutions are given to problems that could possibly be affecting their production, and furthermore, where trip reports are concerned, organizations ask their travelling representatives to hand in seperate reports outlining their expenditures, ensuring that the company’s money was well spent.
(Trip report)
http://books.google.ca/books?id=Jz_-yyHwMGcC&pg=PA288&lpg=PA288&dq=business+formal+report+format&source=bl&ots=7quZ2yKjtU&sig=rj2ofUqF1V73LUbFaYWUPLNEsOY&hl=fr&ei=nxahS7-5LouVtgfy6dHyBw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CB4Q6AEwBDgK#v=onepage&q=travel%20expense%20report&f=false (Travel expenses report)
Annual Reports are essential statements that conclude a company’s accomplishments and reflect their financial standing during the previous year. This will enable employees, both present and future when choosing the most profitable firm. When compiling this annual report, the writer must ensure its purpose well serves the audiences expectations, therefore the strengths, and weaknesses of the firm's financial data must be taken seriously into consideration.
Situational reports also known as incident or accident reports, are isolated reports that provide the reader with a unique problem or situation dealing with certain consequences or opportunities that must be considered without delay.
Audit Reports written by internal auditors, focus mainly on circumstances within the organization whereas external auditors focus mainly on problems outside the organization. These reports evaluate every aspect of the business. As a result, the opinion is given to the corporation by the auditor, or individual who confirms the report, in order to create a center of attention around the location of the industry. They will then subsequently have an increase in their clientele, hopefully attracting more investors.
http://cmis.sandwell.gov.uk/CMISWebPublic/Binary.ashx?Document=24762 (EXTERNAL)
Closure Report confirms that the objectives have been attained. By handing in this statement to the client, every detail concerning the demands for approval to closing has been reached. As a result the managers will be able to carry on with their work in order to complete the development in need.
Research Report are also known as Feasibility reports. In able to make important decisions on a company’s product, a company’s location or anything that influences the future of a company in a short or long term, the manager relies on research reports. They need an overview on the investigations made on the company's history, in order to see how they should prioritize their decision making for the company's needs.
http://www.dlsweb.rmit.edu.au/lsu/content/2_AssessmentTasks/assess_tuts/reports_LL/report.pdf(Research report)
http://www.scribd.com/doc/242832/Feasibility-Report(Feasibility report)
Justification Reports are also known as internal proposals. Justification reports are planned for the higher management. These reports are made in order to convince the decision makers to approve on an investment project, or anything that might be considered as a plus for the enhancement of the company. In this report, the clarification, the process, the cost and benefits of the project suggested, are clarified.
Troubleshooting Reports are also known as Investigative Reports. Troubleshooting reports are asserted by the top management. Similar to the research reports, this specific report analyzes actions as well; however they are aimed mostly at existent problems. Whenever there is a problem in a company, a report is asked to be fulfilled. First it is important to know how this problem was triggered, then analyze how big of an issue it is, and finally recommend solutions.
Comparative Analysis Reports are also called Yardstick Reports. Sometimes referred to as the research report, it seeks to develop and upgrade a company’s condition. This type of report is mainly written from an unbiased point of view. Although a recommendation typically follows the end of the report. The evaluation of different plans, products and everything pertaining to improve a company’s image is essential in the comparative analysis report.
Further Readings:
For more specific guidelines of informational, feasibility, justification and progress reports, consult the following document (Microsoft Word):